

This webpage is a declaration of compliance with the RGAA 3 2017 French digital accessibility guidelines. It aims to define the general level of accessibility observed on the website in accordance with current regulations. For assistance to browse the site or regarding its specific layout, please visit our help page.

The declaration of compliance for the website was established on dd/mm/yyyy.

RGAA version 3 2017 was used to conduct the tests.

The website aims for AA level of accessibility.

Identity of the registrant

Direction de la communication

3, rue Michel-Ange
75794 Paris cedex 16 – France

Technologies used for the website:

  • HTML5
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • User agents and assistance technologies used to check content accessibility


Right to compensation

It is important to note that by virtue of article 11 of the law of February 2005:

“The disabled are entitled to compensation for the consequences of their disability, regardless of the origin or nature of their impairment, age, or way of life.”

Every organisation consequently has an obligation to take the measures necessary to provide access, within a reasonable timeframe, to the information and functionalities sought by handicapped individuals, regardless of whether the content is the subject of an exemption. The possibility of requesting alternative accessible content should be offered to users on the webpage through an accessible contact (email address or contact form).

Improvement and contact

You can help us improve the website’s accessibility by indicating potential problems you encounter.

Rights advocate

If you have observed a lack of accessibility that has prevented you from accessing the website’s content or functionalities, and you alerted us to this fact without receiving a quick response in return, you have a right to present your complaint or request that it be submitted to the court by writing to:

Rights advocate – 7 rue Saint-Florentin 75409 Paris cedex 08

Telephone: 09 69 39 00 00

Contact the rights advocate